La canción del día.

Love At First Fright. "Beyond The Valley of the Murderdolls". Murderdolls. Roadrunner. 2002.
When I saw you piss on the rug, my heart fluttered
And I knew it was love, true love
All the things you said and did to your mom
I knew you were the only one, the only one for me
Go and call the priest so he can exorcize me
Be my ghoul tonight…
Regan it was love at first fright, first fright
Love at first fright, first fright
Regan it was love at first fright, first fright
Love at first fright, first fright
I’d love it if you’d spin your head for me
Or vomit a beautiful pea soup green,
So beautifully...
Across your stomach it said “HELP ME”
I gotta know will you marry me
Captain Howdy
Go and call the priest so he can exorcize me
Be my ghoul tonight…
Regan it was love at first fright, first fright
Love at first fright, first fright
Regan it was love at first fright, first fright
Love at first fright, first fright
When I saw you piss on the rug,
My heart fluttered
And I knew it was love, true love
And on your stomach it says “HELP ME”
I gotta know will you marry me,
Captain Howdy
Los Murderdolls! Me encanta esta canción, me recuerda a Drew Barrymore...
Cuando les ví me parecieron los mejores 10 minutos de concierto que he visto nunca. El video es de esos días. Y sí, un guitarra LA CAGA al final del primer verso....
Joey Jordison de Slipknot estaba a las guitarras en ese grupo. Les voy a contar una anécdota sobre ese gran batería. Estaban de gira Slipknot con Metallica y Lars Ulrich se lesionó y no podía tocar la batería. El resto de Metallica fue a ver a Jordison a ver si podía tocar la batería con ellos durante algunos show y le preguntaron qué canciones de Metallica, que no son fáciles, sabía tocar y Jordison, fan de Metallica, contestó..." TODAS!!!".
Qué crack!!
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