
La canción del dia

You are nothin'- The Hellacopters."Paying the Dudes".1998.Sub Pop Records

You are nothin'
I'm for real
You see I'm rockin'
'Cuz the devil's got a deal
Ain't got no time left
But I've got Shiva on my right
You're in deep shit baby
While I'm in the limelight

Action rockin' man born & bred
And I've got asteroids bouncin' round in my head
We're talkin' clichés baby I know it's true
You just can't stand I'm not one bit like you

I keep on runnin'
You're standin' still
Yeah I move my ass
To get kicks & dirt cheap thrills
Your lips are movin'
But I can't hear you say
Yeah you hit the ditch
And I hit the highway

Gran banda. Alegato individualista. La banda sonora perfecta para destrozar algo o alguien con un bate de baseball.

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